Sirilla Learning

A full stack app

screenshot of a webpage showing a login form and button to login

A solo project

screenshot of a webpage showing a list of spanish words and the number of times each word has been guessed correctly or incorrectly screenshot of a webpage which reads Translate the word, and then a blue box with the word to be translated, the number of times each word has been guessed correctly or incorrectly, and a form to input the user's guess screenshot of a webpage reading That is correct, good job! The correct translation for sintaxis was syntax

Sirilla uses a linked list to implement the spaced repetition technique of learning to best aid users in learning new languages.

This app was built using JavaScript, React, CSS. The server was built using Node.js, Express, and Knex. The database was built using PostgreSQL. Testing was done using Supertest, Mocha, Chai, and Cypress.

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